In the years of life of L'Oca Bianca ed Altre Storie we have witnessed the "healing" power of our workshops, paying particular attention to enriching the practical aspect with an ideal, spiritual one, such as that coming from the world of art or Nature, generous with gifts of which our territory is incredibly rich.
The creative workshops are not only a concrete space to learn to give vent to the imagination, they are above all an optimal place to lighten the soul, to "do" without "demonstrating".
Our colorful and cheerful workbenches welcomed both those who were already familiar with colors, brushes, scissors, pencils, needle and thread, and those who were exploring the world of creativity and handmade for the first time.
We are proud to say that every time, for everyone, it has been a success, an experience that has enriched the participants (and ourselves) from an artistic and human point of view.
Within the MANI VIVE 2.0 project, this time we have decided to apply CHROMOTHERAPY to CREATIVITY and to invite new seekers of HARMONY in a space where HANDS, HEAD and HEART can get back together exclusively following the trail of positive thoughts.
COLORS and working with HANDS produce the same effects: they convey beneficial properties and have the ability to positively influence our psyche, our mood, our approach with others.
We will explore:
the RED color, which is LIFE, LOVE, ENERGY, COURAGE.
With yellow and orange we will travel in the galaxy of warm colors using the fabric to create a gift FOR US, a cuddle, something that communicates our POSITIVITY to those who look at us, a garden to wear.
We will use opal paper and wire to create delicate objects where LIGHT plays with magical transparencies: a gift FOR OUR HOME.
The paper, watercolored, printed, torn, will allow us to build an unusual BOOK of ANGELS, with pages to fill with photos, thoughts, recipes, clippings of emotions and memories: a gift FOR our SOUL.
Then we will explore our territory together with a visit and an outdoor workshop for the TURQUOISE of the Cornino Lake.
Finally, a surprise encounter with the colors of ART, in the ancient GUARNERIANA LIBRARY, with its precious illuminated manuscripts.
A JOURNEY into beauty, because, as Dostoevsky said:
"The beauty will save the world"
... and we want to believe it.
Our wish is to be able to repeat this path several times during the year.
If you are curious and would like to participate, send an email to info@ocabianca.com and these are the current dates:
- 4 Thursdays in a row: 26 May 2022 and 2/9/16 June 2022 from 5.00 to 7.30 p.m.
- 4 Fridays in a row: 27 May 2022 and 3/10/17 June 2022 from 5.00 to 7.30 p.m.
For those interested in sharing ONLY one stage and one color, the dates will be:
RED - Saturday 28 May 2022 - from 10.30 to 12.00 a.m.
GREEN - Saturday 4 June 2022 - from 10.30 to 12.00 a.m.
BLUE - Saturday 11 June 2022 - from 10.30 to 12.00 a.m.
Guided tour by prof. FLORAMO discovering color in the ancient illuminated manuscripts: 18 June 2022 at 4.00 pm
Visit to CORNINO LAKE: 16, 17 or 18 June 2022, time to be defined
The workshops will be held in SAN DANIELE DEL FRIULI (UD) at our headquarters in Via Fagagna, 1 - Tel. 0432/943203