Dear Teacher...

We want to affectionately dedicate a thought to those special people who, among many, fortunately, have become positive protagonists of this last year so difficult and confusing.

They are the teachers, the professors who have held our children and teenagers by the hand, accompanying them in these months with that humanity and with that warmth that belong to those who choose to do one of the most difficult jobs in the world.

Yes, because teaching is not just putting notions, rules and professional skills on the field, but above all sharing joys and fears, reassuring, inviting optimism, supporting small and large challenges, encouraging curiosity and the discovery of life.

There are many of these special people and there are lucky children and parents to meet them on their journey.

It turns out when we realize with a smile that often the word of the teacher is more valuable than the one of the mother, when we accompany our child to the school door and let him in with confidence, when at the end of the year we fill our eyes with emotion because it is time to change schools either because a teacher retires or simply because it is a way of expressing our gratitude.

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